Winning Time

Even though the mid-term elections of 2018 have passed our work continues. The following was a call action to rally into decision day. It still may help us to realize that our goals and desires are still in play. We must remain dedicated and diligent.

Pat Riley, legendary coach of the L.A. Lakers, called it “winning time”. As the seconds ticked off the clock his championship basketball teams knew it was their performance late in the 4th quarter that would decide the game.

Spread the word today and tomorrow. Call your friends, send messages on facebook, use your emaill contacts or connect with others however you wish. Talk to one, then two more, then four more. Get their pledge to vote Republican.

Maybe consider two kinds of players as you assemble your bench, those you know feel as you do and those that don’t. Expose fence sitters or those less likely to vote for your ideas and our ideas. This isn’t the time for in your face "MAGA or die." This is the time for salesmanship. Mix the fast break with the perimeter game.

A few key things could help make the case:

1. The economy is rolling like it hasn't in decades. This has more to do with Republicans in Congress than the President and those are the seats we need to keep. Unemployment is at 50 YEAR LOWS. Black and Hispanic unemployment is at ALL TIME LOWS. Wage growth is up. Consumer confidence is high. Good manufacturing jobs are coming back. Our GDP is at a high level previously thought impossible by Democrats.

2. There is only ONE PARTY and therefore ONLY ONE CANDIDATE in every election which pledges to support the basic freedoms and liberties promised in our constitution. That is the REPUBLICAN. This is not cheerleading. This is a fact. Republicans believe in a smaller, restrained federal government that allows YOU to live YOUR life as you see fit. During recent hearings NOT ONE DEMOCRAT even gave lip service to DUE PROCESS, our foundation right of presumed innocent justice.

3. Democrats are lying as they run for office. Period. They are not moderates. They are not "for all of us". They say such things to just get elected. When in Washington they will vote party line with their liberal socialist pals. That means putting Maxine Waters, of all people, in charge of this nation's finance and banking policies. That means putting Nancy Pelosi in charge of your health care. That means the entire democracy killing socialist agenda is advanced. These are not the folks you want calling the shots in your homes, schools, families, health and businesses.

Use the materials on the website and the Facebook group page to help make your case. SHARE THESE THINGS. They are written and made to help you make your point to be effective at grassroots politics. All the points above are explored in greater detail.

For a deeper dive of what is really at stake in elections please read the mission statement here:

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