Record Meme

This is a great record. One of my favs. It is the Republican Economic Record in Congress. These are the pro-growth tunes that have hard-working Americans tapping their toes to improving prosperity and financial security. Taxes cut. Regulations cut. Jobs the best they have been in 50 years. Wages are up too. Growth the Democrats said was impossible. Let’s keep the music playing. Our super strong economy under Republican congressional leadership is just one reason to vote Republican this election.

Don’t forget to spread the word on this to all your friends who have not voted yet. They need to know if they like this economy, they like Republicans.

The Case Against Collin Allred

If you vote for one Democrat, you vote for them all. And that means turning Congress over to the most destructive bunch of socialist liberal Democrats in history. This election is about more than just issues, it is about the very way we live our lives. Everything we have worked so hard to gain could be lost.

Wit & Wisdom of President Reagan

Think we could all use a laugh. And as far as President’s go Reagan had an impeccable sense of timing and great understanding of the power of humor. Funny on purpose beats just funny.

NEW MEXICO! Don’t Elect Socialists To Congress

New Mexico. We are counting on you. Watch the video and see that a vote for Xochitl Torres Small is a vote for all destructive Democrats. They are socialists who don't even support the rule of law. We could lose everything we hold dear with liberals in charge of all Congress. Spread this video to everyone you know in New Mexico and like this page for more information. Don’t believe Xochitl Torres Small's talk about moderation, bi-partisan unity and crossing the aisle. Hyper partisan radical Democrats do not represent mainstream American values and WILL NOT work with Republicans. Not one key Democrat would even give lip service to our cherished value of due process. NOT ONE. This election is about the very role of government in our lives. Don't get distracted. The time is now to rally!

Remembering A Time For Choosing

The story behind the speech which started the Reagan revolution. Fascinating. The more things change, the more the stay the same.

Lizzie Fletcher’s Socialist Friends

Democrats ain't what they used to be. Their new thrust towards socialism could destroy and undo everything we have worked for centuries to build. Congress is the battleground. Don't let them win. Houston.


Another Fun Meme

Run Forest, Run. Like For Senate. Please.

JFK JAN 1961

One of the greatest speeches of all time and for very good reason.

Vote For Small Get Waters.

America is counting on congressional districts across the country to not screw up. Republicans must get out to vote and those who are undecided must be educated to vote Republican. New Mexico, don't let congress turn blue! A vote for any Democrat is a vote to put Maxine Waters in charge. PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO

And Now A Few Words About The Lunacy Of Social Justice Warriors

If you have a little time watch this great discussion. It pushes social justice warrior logic to failure. Educational, entertaining and important.

Fletcher Equals Waters

Don’t let talk of fake moderation and working across the aisle fool you. A vote for any Democrat this election is a vote to put Maxine Waters in charge of your finances. Houston, spread the word.

Umm. What War On Women? (Meme)

Unbelievable. Women have been an active, driving force in the conservative movement. Here is a meme to help you make the point. Download this picture to share elsewhere.

Time For Choosing (Video)

It is once again a time for choosing. A lot has changed since Ronald Reagan gave this great speech in 1964 and a lot has remained the same. Some of the details and players may be different but the message is as strong as ever. We must vote to preserve and promote all we hold dear.